Saturday, August 15, 2015

Gallente cruisers for Level 2 missions

Continuing on with my examination of sensible fits for running missions that I mentioned in A New Beginning and the rules I laid out in the Gallente Level 1 Missions blog post here are fits for Gallente cruisers for Level 2 missions.

The Gallente have 2 T1 cruisers suitable for running level 2 missions, the Thorax gunship and the Vexor droneship.

This Thorax railgun fit is simple to fly, can hit out to 32 km with antimatter and has a cap stable shield tank with everything running.  I ran 41 unique missions in it without a problem.

[Thorax, Kernow Thorax Railgun]

Magnetic Vortex Stabilizer I
Magnetic Vortex Stabilizer I
Fourier Transform Tracking Program
Fourier Transform Tracking Program
Mark I Compact Power Diagnostic System

10MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
Limited Adaptive Invulnerability Field I
Large F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender
Large F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender

200mm Compressed Coil Gun I, Antimatter Charge M
200mm Compressed Coil Gun I, Antimatter Charge M
200mm Compressed Coil Gun I, Antimatter Charge M
200mm Compressed Coil Gun I, Antimatter Charge M
200mm Compressed Coil Gun I, Antimatter Charge M

Hobgoblin I x5
Hobgoblin I x5

This Vexor railgun fit is also simple to fly. Its an awesome droneship and can pummel anything closer than 16 km with antimatter.  It is cap stable with everything running except the repper which should be pulsed as needed.  This is the first ship I've posted with rat specific hardeners, these should be changed out as required.  I ran 29 unique missions in it without a problem.

[Vexor, Kernow Vexor Railgun + Drones]

Drone Damage Amplifier I
F85 Peripheral Damage System I
Medium 'Accommodation' Vestment Reconstructer I
Prototype Armor Kinetic Hardener I
Prototype Armor Thermic Hardener I

10MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
Eutectic Compact Cap Recharger
Eutectic Compact Cap Recharger
Eutectic Compact Cap Recharger

Dual 150mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge M
Dual 150mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge M
Dual 150mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge M
Dual 150mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge M

Hobgoblin I x5
Hammerhead I x5

I hope you enjoy the fits.

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