Monday, May 3, 2010

First attempt at a wormhole anomaly

So my first attempt at a Class 2 wormhole anomaly in my Cerberus HAC was an eye opener.

Perimeter Hangar
Suddenly the illusion of solitude shatters. Slender, articulated obsidian shapes slide toward you from the surrounding darkness of space. Your sensors scream claxons into your auditory cortex as the drones' targeting systems lock onto your ship. You are not alone. Perhaps you never were.
The Sleepers have risen.

The first wave was easy to take out but then a BS and 2 cruisers arrived and my shields went down FAST ! I just escaped with armor damage. Time to cough up the dough for a Tengu T3 cruiser.

Two days later I'd worked out what my Tengu fit would be. I bought all the equipment with an alt and then left the wormhole with my main to round it all up. The exit wormhole was a B274 and had barely been used and had 4-24 hours left. Well by the time I got back the wormhole was gone! For a minute I was horrified that my Orca alt was trapped forever alone in the dark. However, I had trained up some skills and had the forethought to put a Heron prober in the corp hangar of the Orca. So I switched the alt to the Heron and hoped no one would find the Orca floating in space while I scanned down an exit. Thankfully, even with very low skills, I found a new B274 and it was only 6 jumps from where the old B274 came out so I was able to get my main back in along with the new Tengu :) :) Phew !!!

Now to try out the Tengu...

Perimeter checkpoint
Tengu tank held up just fine but my dps was a bit low so it took awhile. I still have almost 3 days to Heavy Missiles V which for some reason I'd never trained before. Then I'll switch to T2 launchers and Scourge Fury missiles which will up my dps. I should have bought the Heavy Missile Specialization skillbook while I was in high-sec, oh well...  Salvaging and looting the sleepers was quick in my new all round Moa cruiser which I can fit for salvaging, gas harvesting and mining as the need arises, though I'll probably use my Hulk for mining if I'm sure the wormhole is empty.

Living out of an Orca is tricky, the ship hangar can fit a Tengu, Moa and Hulk with room for maybe a shuttle left over (assuming I'm in my Buzzard).

So my goal now is to sit in the wormhole and farm anomalies for a few days and maybe try my hand at a LADAR site, since at the moment that's all there is in this wormhole.

It's going to take awhile to get used to living in a wormhole but hopefully the rewards will be worth it. Otherwise it's back to high-sec exploration and level 4 missions.

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